Digital securities trading app for private markets
Invest in private markets anytime, anywhere with the ADDX app
Scan to download the ADDX app and access private markets on the go.

Why get the app?
Invest in private market opportunities
Track and manage your portfolio on-the-go
Invite your friends and receive rewards
Meet the ADDX app
Enter the world of fairer financial markets with ADDX. Invest in world-class private equity, hedge funds, unicorns, private debt, and more.
Easy access
Buy and sell directly on our safe and regulated platform
Invest from USD 10,000
Transparent fees
Safe and secure
Fully regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
Your funds are kept in a segregated account with DBS
Immutable records powered by blockchain technology
World-class opportunities
Access private equity, hedge funds, unicorns, corporate debt and more
Researched and vetted by leading investment experts
Reviewed and cleared by an independent listing committee