2020年11月26日星期四 08:00 PM GMT +8


How COVID-19 And the Rise of E-Commerce Are Reshaping Real Estate Investing

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About this event

Fuelled in part by the ongoing pandemic as well as long-term changes in consumer behaviour, buying goods online has become increasing popular.

This rise in e-commerce has had a major impact on investments in real estate. Traditional retail venues like malls and shopping centres have taken a major hit while warehouses, data-centres and logistics facilities that support e-commerce are booming.

Is the trend here to stay? How can a savvy investor take advantage?

In this webinar, Enoch Tan, Portfolio Director of Elite Logistics Fund will explore the underlying trends impacting real estate investments in Europe and the UK.

Highlights include:

  • How COVID-19 and long-term changes in consumer behaviour are changing real estate investing
  • How the European logistics industry is leveraging on improved infrastructure, such us China’s One Belt One Road
  • Why the logistics sector is one of the most defensive asset classes in Europe
  • How to identify underserved areas of real estate investment opportunities, mitigate, and manage risk especially in foreign countries


Enoch Tan


Enoch is currently the Portfolio Director for Elite Partners Capital, where he manages the logistics fund. Enoch is a former senior banker with 20 years of diverse experience in the finance industry in Asia. He was most recently the Chief Investment Officer of Sesami Capital Match, a Fintech company in Singapore. Prior to that, he was Managing Director at Standard Chartered Bank and Royal Bank of Canada, managing Ultra High Net Worth clients and family offices in Asia. He was also an investment banker at UBS and Rothschild for several years, heading up capital markets teams covering the Asian region. Enoch is a qualified Singapore lawyer, and started his career in Allen & Gledhill, Singapore’s premier corporate law firm. During his 7-year career as a finance lawyer, he also worked at Linklaters (a top global law firm) in Hong Kong and as Regional Legal Counsel at Deutsche Bank in Singapore. He graduated from the National University of Singapore with an Honours degree in Law and was called to the Singapore bar as an Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore



Group Chief Strategy Officer at ADDX

柳秉捷在公共和私营部门的概念化、建设和规模化方面拥有超过15年的经验。柳秉捷是ADDX的联合创始人和集团首席战略官,负责确定、构思和建立新的业务线,拓展ADDX业务。柳秉捷曾担任ADDX的首席运营官,负责ADDX平台的所有运营(包括业务运营、监管、法律、风险和合规问题等),并获得了新加坡金融管理局有史以来第一个可以在单一的集成平台上发行、托管和交易数字化证券的监管许可批准。在加入ADDX之前,柳秉捷曾任职于GIC的经济与投资战略部门,负责监督GIC投资组合中多个资产类别的资本配置决策。 柳秉捷还曾在新加坡财政部和国防部任职。

关于Elite Partners Capital

该信托基金旨在投资全欧洲的房地产。精英物流基金(Elite Logistics Fund)是未根据新加坡《商业信托法案》第31A章注册的商业信托基金。

该信托基金的经理为Elite Partners Capital Pte. Ltd.。该公司在新加坡注册成立,受新加坡金融管理局(MAS)监管,作为资本市场服务牌照的持证人,在新加坡开展受规管的基金管理活动。根据新加坡《信托公司法》第336章的规定,恒永(亚洲)有限公司(Perpetual (Asia) Limited)是该信托基金的托管人。

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