星期三, 九月 16, 2020 晚上08:00 GMT+8
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“复利是宇宙中最强大的力量。” - 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦
想知道他这句话的含义吗?今晚我们请到Chong Ser Jing来与我们分享他的看法。 Chong Ser Jing是2020年新成立的长线基金 - Compounder Fund - 的联合创始人兼投资组合经理, 他也是拥有新加坡国内外读者的投资博客 - TheGoodInvestors.sg - 的联合创始人。
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Chong Ser Jing
Portfolio Manager and Co-Founder of Compounder Fund
Ser Jing is the Portfolio Manager and Co-Founder of Compounder Fund. Ser Jing graduated with honours in 2012 from the National University of Singapore’s Engineering Science Programme. But having been bitten by the investing bug since his late teens, he decided to pursue a career in the investing world. From January 2013 to October 2019, Ser Jing served in The Motley Fool Singapore as a writer as well as a co-leader of the investing team. One of his career highlights with Fool Singapore was to help its flagship investment newsletter, Stock Advisor Gold, outperform a global stock market benchmark by nearly 2x over a 3.5-year period. Ser Jing has been helping his family invest since October 2010 and is also the co-author of a popular Singapore-themed investment book Invest Lah! The Average Joe’s Guide to Investing. When he is not busy digging through company reports, writing about his thoughts on investing, or actually investing, he can be found diving, playing music, exercising, meditating, playing football, and spending quality time with his loved ones

About Compounder Fund (Galilee Investment Management Pte Ltd)
Compounder Fund was co-founded by Chong Ser Jing and Jeremy Chia and it focuses on long-term investing in equities around the world. The investment strategy is to find Compounders – public-listed companies that are able to grow their businesses at high-rates over the long run – through holistic fundamental analysis, and holding onto their shares for years.
Ser Jing and Jeremy view Compounder Fund as more than just a business. The mission of Compounder Fund is to “Grow Your Wealth & Enrich Society” and there are four key pillars to the mission:
- Deliver an investment solution to all investors
- Educate the public about sound investing
- Treat investors fairly
- Give back to society
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