Aura Venture Fund II

Aura Venture Fund专注于高增长的早期技术公司。

30% p.a.
USD 20,000


    • 目标为(扣除费用后)具有30%投资组合收益率潜力的高增长早期技术公司。
    • 以澳大利亚为重点的投资和亚洲投机投资
    • 一旦资金完全到位,就可以投资各种行业和发展阶段的15至20家公司的投资组合。
    • 从种子期前投资到首轮投资,侧重于对环境、社会和治理(ESG)负责的企业
    • 治理和投资流程健全,普通合伙人和有限责任合伙人之间合作紧密。
    • 卓越表现的追踪记录-Aura Venture Fund 1(“AVF1”)是全球前四分位数基金¹

    关于Prometheus-14 Pte. Ltd.

    本公司是一家特殊目的载体公司,其成立的唯一目的是发行数字证券通证并投资Aura Venture Fund II, I.L.P



    9 Temasek Boulevard, #38-02, Singapore 038989

    ¹Aura Venture Fund I目前被Pitchbook & Preqin评为2017全球前四分位数基金

    关于Aura Group

    Aura Group成立于2009年,是一家专注于基金和财富管理、企业咨询和本金投资的综合性全球金融服务公司。Aura Group的业务主要集中在亚太地区。Aura Group采取以客户为中心的财富管理方法,为客户提供创新产品和定制解决方案。Aura Group由亚太地区的员工和若干战略投资者私有。Aura Ventures是Aura Group Funds Management的风险投资部门。Aura Group Funds Management是Aura Group的子公司,成立于2016年,从事多年的资产类别投资。截至2022年3月,Aura Group在澳大利亚和新加坡管理着超过1.5亿澳元的风险资本资产。



    Level 24, 52 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

    Disclaimer: The information above has been provided by Prometheus-14 Pte. Ltd. The contents of the above have not been verified by the Exchange and the Exchange assumes no responsibility for the contents above, including the accuracy, completeness or correctness of any of the information, statements or opinions made or reports contained in the content above. Any investment will be made with Prometheus-14 Pte. Ltd. and your return will differ from a direct investment in Aura Venture Fund II, ILP (the “Fund”), or any funds managed by Aura Funds Management Pty Ltd and/or its affiliate(s) (“Aura Group”). Projected return is not necessarily indicative and does not guarantee actual return. The past performances of the Fund and funds managed by Aura Group are not necessarily indicative of and do not guarantee the future performance of the Fund. This is not an advertisement making an offer or calling attention to an offer or intended offer.

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