Private Credit Fund
Invest with ADDX in private credit via a strong partner with proven track record.
Asset Class
Private Credit
Fund Term
6 years
Min. Investment
USD 20,000
Investment highlights
Established investment team with deep knowledge and strong structuring expertise
- Senior private credit investment team has an average of 26 years of experience
- Built deep knowledge base and sectorial expertise through investing across different regions and sectors, as well as across the capital structure, over the years
- Established extensive deal sourcing network throughout Asia and beyond, allowing SeaTown to be highly selective in executing deals with good risk/return profile while still generating a high deployment rate
Temasek parentage provides synergistic benefits from deal sourcing to ongoing monitoring
- Linkage with Temasek Holdings (Private) Limited (“Temasek”) and its group of portfolio companies provides proprietary opportunities in addition to SeaTown’s own deal sourcing network
- Facilitate channel checks and leverage specialized expertise across Temasek’s global offices and extended network, providing SeaTown an additional source of market intelligence
- Ownership by Temasek further strengthens SeaTown’s reputation in the industry as a strong and credible partner
Disciplined investment approach with holistic portfolio construction
- Disciplined investment approach to take into consideration investment size, holding period, diversification and risk limits in portfolio construction
About the Issuer: Prometheus-9 Pte. Ltd.
Prometheus-9 Pte. Ltd. was incorporated as a special purpose vehicle for the sole purpose of the issuance of the security tokens and investing in SeaTown Private Credit Feeder Fund LP.
About this investment
- Opportunity to gain exposure to SeaTown Private Credit Feeder Fund LP through tokens issued by Prometheus-9 Pte. Ltd.
- SeaTown Private Credit Feeder Fund LP invests across the credit spectrum, in senior, junior and mezzanine debt. It expects to make 15-20 investments, with the target size of each investment at 5-10% of committed capital and typical maturities between 2 to 4 years
- The manager of SeaTown Private Credit Feeder Fund LP, SeaTown Holdings International Pte. Ltd. (“SeaTown”), has been investing in private credit since 2012 with US$2.3 billion of investments as of 30 June 2021
- Expected End of Fund Life¹: 31 Dec 2025
¹Subject to extensions
About Seatown
- SeaTown is a Singapore-based investment manager focused on alternative, absolute return strategies
- Licensed by the MAS for fund management since 2013
- SeaTown is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Seviora Holdings, and indirectly owned by Temasek
Registered Address
9 Temasek Boulevard, #38-02, Singapore 038989
Disclaimer: The information above has been provided by Prometheus-9 Pte. Ltd. The contents of the above have not been verified by SeaTown Holdings International Pte. Ltd. or SeaTown Private Credit Feeder Fund LP (collectively "SeaTown") and the Exchange. SeaTown and the Exchange assume no responsibility for the contents above, including the accuracy, completeness or correctness of any of the information, statements or opinions made or reports contained in the content above. Any investment will be made with Prometheus-9 Pte. Ltd. and your return will differ from a direct investment in SeaTown Private Credit Feeder Fund LP. Target return is not necessarily indicative and does not guarantee actual return. The past performances of funds managed by SeaTown Holdings International Pte. Ltd. or its affiliates are not necessarily indicative and do not guarantee the future performance of SeaTown Private Credit Feeder Fund LP. This is not an advertisement making an offer or calling attention to an offer or intended offer. For the avoidance of doubt, the information above does not constitute an offer of interests in SeaTown Private Credit Feeder Fund LP and is not intended to be meant for the purpose of an offer of interests in SeaTown Private Credit Feeder Fund LP.

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