NOTE: In May of 2021, iSTOX rebranded itself to ADDX.

We’re thrilled to announce that iSTOX has made history.

At 10 a.m. SGT (GMT + 8) on 15 Nov 2019, iSTOX’s secondary market went live and hosted its first trades, completing the world’s first issuance, custody and trading of a regulated blockchain-based security on a single integrated platform.

For the first time, investors on our platform were able to buy and sell directly with each other without having to go through brokers, investment banks or any other intermediaries.

Demand for the first issuance was strong; registered interest in this issuance was more than twice the actual funds raised.

For those of you who took this big step forward with us — thank you! Your faith in us validates all the work our team has poured into bringing a fundamentally new way of investing into existence.

For those who haven’t joined us yet — it’s not too late.

If you’d like to know more about our upcoming issuances or have other questions, just click here.

If you’d like to join us as an investor, click here.